Applying for Vietnam visa is the first and very important step to prepare for your trip to Vietnam. Almost every one considers cost of getting a Vietnam visa a small amount in their trip. But saving money right from the early start may be an interest. Why don’t you save your money when you can?


Determine the best way to apply for Vietnam visa to save your Vietnam visa cost

The first way is to consider between applying a visa via a Vietnam Embassy and applying Vietnam visa online. To apply a visa via embassy, you must visit a Vietnam embassy in the home country and submit required documents to get a visa within 4-5 days. The cost of getting visa this way is about US$100 plus cost of traveling and others.

But with applying E-Visa Vietnam 30 days single entry included stamp fee

► In case this way is new to you, you can see how it works here:

► If you have already known it, click here to apply.

Define good arrival date to save your Vietnam visa cost

The second way to save your money on Vietnam visa is to define the exact arrival date to fill in your application form. You should remember that a Vietnam visa starts and end on fixed dates as specified in your application. If you enter two weeks late, your one month visa will have two weeks left only and you will have to renew it to stay longer in Vietnam. And of course, it requires an expense on visa renewal.

Define exact type of visa to apply to save your Vietnam visa cost

Vietnamese visa is a kind of travel documents granted by Vietnamese competent authorities, providing permission to travel to and enter Vietnam.

An electronic visa (E-visa) is one of visa types issued to foreigners by Vietnamese Immigration Department via electronic system. Vietnam E-visa is valid for maximum of 30 days, single entry.

Outside Vietnam foreigners who want to enter Vietnam can personally apply for E-visa or through the inviting/guaranteeing agencies and organizations.



Established in 2010, is a local Vietnam visa center treasuring up to 11 years of uninterrupted service in Visa market. We have been proudly serving over 300,000 groups of travelers getting a visa for Vietnam easily and fast, even last-minute application. Our clients come from almost countries in the world.