Getting Vietnam Visa for South Africa Citizens living Bulgaria to enter Vietnam for Vacation purposes

South Africa Citizens living in BulgariaĀ  are required to apply for a valid visa to enter Vietnam for Vacation purposes.

You Are: A national of South Africa

Purpose of your visit: Vacation

Your status: Normally and legally living in Bulgaria

Embassy of Vietnam in Sofia, Bulgaria

Address: #1, Jetvarka St., Sofia 1113, BULGARIA

Phone: (359) 2963 2609

Fax: (359) 2963 3658


Office hours: Tuesday and Thurday

You can apply by yourself at Vietnam embassies. Otherwise, you can apply online for time saving then get visa stamp at Vietnam airports. Click here to see how it works.

How to get Vietnam visa from Bulgaria

for Bulgaria residents or

– You apply online at Vietnam visa Pro for a Vietnam visa on arrival (picked up at the arrival airport in Vietnam)

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